How To Get Pink Lips Naturally in Nigeria Overnight

Do you want to know how to get pink lips naturally in Nigeria? Pink lips is the latest trend and also usually attractive, for those with dark lips and wish to have pink lips with natural remedies in Nigeria without any side effect you are in the right place, just read this article in full and you will be glad you did.

There are numerous ways of getting pink lips in Nigeria today but the majority of them do have side effects, some products are made with unsafe chemical properties which are not healthy for the skin or lips so those types can be very dangerous.

Having soft and pink lips adds to one’s facial beauty, gives you more confidence and some swags, having pink lips can be so sexy and alluring and most Nigerian ladies do love it when their partners have red lips or pink lips, the same applies to the guys.

This is why we have taken our time to make research and bring you the best natural method to get pink lips without stress. Mind you, our methods have been clinically tested and proven to be effective so they are highly recommended.

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If you have dark lips and you wish to make it a bit pinky we have figured out a natural and sure way of making your lips pink and attractive, read this through.

How To Get Pink Lips Naturally in Nigeria Overnight

Below is the normal and safe DIY way to get pink lips or red lips and some of the things you can use are basic home materials eg. aloe vera, onions, toothpaste & brush e.t.c.

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When your lips is always dry this can affect the skin and make you end up with a dead skin and once you have a dead skin the colour of the skin changes and gets darker, the best solution is to keep it lubricated.

You make your lips delecate and pink by applying moisturizer daily, you can make use of lip analgesic and petroleum jelly late in the day. Also you can make use of olive oil or coconut oil.

Makeup Complete Wash-off

This is important for those who use makeups like lipstick, having the lipstick on your lips for a long time makes the lips dry and can also cause discolouration which at the end makes your lips darker. Using makeup removal should help to completely remove your lipstick but in case you do not have this you can also use olive oil or coconut oil on a cotton wool to completely remove it.

Use a Lip Balm With SPF Protection

It is a fact that sun do have impact on the skin, when you go out you expose your skin to sunlight and the beams can make your lips dry likewise change the colour of the lips so to avoid this we reccomend you use lip balm with SPF protection. Using that will reduce the sun effect or radiation on your lips or skin

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one thing you should totally avoid if you are truly serious about having pink lips. Smoking dims your skin colour and leaves some tobacco particles on your lips, when you continue smoking your lips gets dull and darker which makes you unattractive. No mattery the method of smoking you try to make use of it will never stop you from having dark lips so just quit the practice.

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Drink Water Often

Medically through doctors advice we are told to drink a lot of water at least up to 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, you can go more if you are thirsty and while doing this you should also consume natural food high in water contents, eg tomatoes, cucumbers, water melon and so on.

Avoid Licking Your Lips

This certainly sounds strange but it is adviced that you stop the habit of licking your lips, when you lick your lips often you lick off the oily materials on it either through nature or any oily application you added, you will lick them off thereby exposing your lips to direct sunlight which will make it dry.

Try as much as possible to avoid licking your lips and should in case you mistakenly licked your lips try apply lip balm to moisturize it.

Best Remedies To Get Pink Lips Naturally

Below are the best remedies to get pink lips or red lips:

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural extract from coconut and this has a whole lots of health benefits, it can also help get the lips saturated and place it in good condition which will aid your pink lips process. Coconut oil contains essential properties and has unsaturated fats that will keep you skin or lips hydrated, saturated and even healthy. This oil will decrease torments through dry lips and it is known to always smoothen the skin this is the reason why most creams has coconut oil in them.

Aside from the mentioned benefits, coconut oil also kills dull lips and reveal fresh pink lips. Just apply little quantity on your finger and spread it through your lips every morning and every night before going to bed. Within two weeks of applying this you sjhould get a good result.

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2. Honey & Lemon Mask

Another effective natural pink lips method is by mixing honey and lemon mask, the honey is known to be a moisturizer while the lemon has some lightening characteristics and using both together will give you the desired pin lips you actually want.

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