10 Skin Lightening Creams That Works Fast 

They are many skin lightening creams on the market today that promise a lot of unrealistic and dangerous things. 

The amount of bleaching creams in the markets makes it very hard for you to detect the one that is best for fast skin lightening. 

In this article, we would tell you about skin-lightening creams that have been tested, analyzed, and reviewed and they came out as the best and fastest out there. All these creams that would be listed take from 5-21 days to start showing amazing results.

If what you need is a cream that will lighten and brighten your skin within the shortest time available, then these 10 lotions are your options.

10 Skin Lightening Creams That Works Fast

The Skin Doctor Body Cream 

The Skin Doctor body cream is an intense whitening lotion that cleanses and deeply exfoliates the skin. The skin Doctor brightens the skin and leaves it clean and clear.

It is formulated with active nutrients that remove wrinkles and supports your anti-aging routine. It is also known to be an incredible moisturizing lotion that aims to freshen and renew the skin. 

It takes just about 9 days for you to start noticing this stunt and this is a very short period.

Glutathione Injection Body Lotion 

This is an intense Body lightening cream that is known for remedying skin problems and restoring skin radiance and strength.

It helps in treating acne, pimples, melasma, eczema, blemishes, and scars. The results become visible within 9-13 days which makes it a very fast skin lightening product.

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It works faster and better when it is used with one of its sister products, that is any of the products from its Company such as the Glutathione Shower Gel or the Glutathione Bath Soap.

Carrot Gold Lotion 

This is a skin-lightening lotion that cleanses and brightens the skin. It is particularly known for giving the skin an even tone. It clears the skin of blemishes and dark spots.

Carrot Gold is a healthy skin-lightening cream and can be used for all skin types. The result of applying this cream can be seen in 7-21 days.

Carrot Glow Body Lotion 

This is a skin lightening cream that is specifically for improving skin radiance and glow. It is different from the Carrot Gold lotion because it can help with hyperpigmentation and skin discolorization.

It also contains some anti-aging properties that fight against wrinkles and blemishes. The duration in which its expected to show results is 9-21 days. 

Supreme White Body Lotion 

This is an intense skin lightening cream that focuses on renewing and toning the skin. This means that it brightens the skin perfectly and treats the skin with little to no side effects.

It is fused with natural ingredients that aim to cure skin discoloration while helping the skin look flawless and blemish-free.

The effect of consistent application of the supreme white body lotion is expected to become visible within 5-14 days.

Perfect White Cream 

This is a lotion that cleanses, moisturizes, and brightens the skin. It is specially infused with ingredients that purify and improve the texture and tone of the skin.

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It cleanses the skin of imperfections and gives it a younger and more clarified look. This skin lightening cream deeply cleanses the skin and removes dark spots and bumps, leaving the skin smooth, clear, and glowing.

The results begin to show in about 5-16 days.

Piment Doux Skin Lightening lotion 

This is a great moisturizing cream. It softens and lightens the skin. It is enhanced with herbs that enforce skin renewal and regeneration. It treats the skin with dryness and patches.

It can be used for all skin types but it’s perfect for dry skin. The results become visible within a short period of 21 days.

Egyptian Milk Lotion

This skin lightening lotion is perfect for all skin tones. This is because it’s perfect for skin maintenance and treatment.

Eventually, it gently lightens the skin but it begins with an even toning and uniform complexion before it begins to lighten the skin.

It helps to clear the skin and perfect its natural pigmentation. It’s a perfect skin lightening cream for brown-skinned people. The results begin to show within 14-21 days.

Pure white Maxitone lotion 

This is an intense skin lightening cream. It majorly whitens the skin and cleanses it in the process. It removes the dark pigments that are brought about by harsh weather conditions.

It removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin thereby treating dark spots, blemishes, scars, and patches. The results begin to show within 5-14 days.

Paw Paw Clarifying Lotion 

This skin lightening cream deeply cleanses the skin as the name suggests.

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It is a maintenance cream that brightens up your skin tone and leaves it glowing and finer. 

It also serves as a good moisturizing and hydrating lotion.

It is infused with Papaya extract and other active ingredients. It keeps the skin clear and pure. The results begin to show within 7-21 days.

It is important to note that these skin lightening creams have little to no side effects.

Some of them irritate the skin for the first three days of use and then stop. This is because the skin is adapting to the new skin lightening product.

But, if this irritation or itching continues, please discontinue use and see your dermatologist.

For sensitive skin, use the skin lightening creams that are prescribed by your dermatologist.

Read Also: List of Banned Skin Lightening Creams You Should Avoid


As earlier mentioned, these skin lightening creams have been analyzed and tested on all skin types. Therefore, you can trust the information you have received.

These skin lightening creams are amongst the fastest and most effective lotions available.

To purchase the original products, do not use the local markets. Get them at online stores like Jumia, eBay, or Konga. If the online stores are not feasible, please check at the more refined stores.

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